
Transforming the mindset of the next generations

Can you imagine what the new generations, reaching their full potential, can achieve?

Higher Up Fund is a non-profit organisation focused on developing the youngsters mindset.

Through sports, we help the young generations to reach their full potential, grow their engagement and commitment and create habits that will help them develop not only as athletes or students but also as individuals.

Our Approach is driven by our inspiring mission:

We impact the youngsters mindset and approach to life by creating a culture of growth and sports mentality.

We help sports and academic organizations to become the transformation driver of their young members' mindset.

We do this by providing the right capabilities, creating a better structure and defining an optimal way of working. We support in developing and implementing a new strategy to manage, engage, attract and impact new members. We will create a centric culture, based on development, that will help youngsters reach their full potential.

Higher Up's methodology is based on The Growth Mindset concept.

When we think about youngsters, parents and society, or even the organisation management itself, the growth mindset is a good foundation for achieving goals and dreams.

Psychologist Carol Dweck developed the concept of a growth mindset. Dweck’s work centers on the distinction between “fixed” and “growth” mindsets. “In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are fixed traits. In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

“We believe that sports are created for much higher purposes than dribbling, passing or shooting the ball.”

Following our purpose of transforming the youngsters' mindset, we offer various products that vary from full transformation to individual lectures, events and advisory to the clubs/schools.

Our goal is to leave a strong footprint in the organisation, creating a consistent impact on the youngsters and affecting their future life sustainably in all aspects, academic, professional, family, etc...


What people said about us

Merete Søby

Executive vice president KMD  Athlete’s mother

“I have seen the results Higher Up can create for youngsters. Their methodology delivers better results in sports and makes boys/girls happier and grow their inner belief in themselves.”

Basketball Mom

“It has been exciting to experience Higher Up’s work. Their methodology managed to make my son acknowledge his mistakes and learn from them rather than beating himself down. Another critical point has been to engage in challenges and get out of the comfort zone, which has raised the bar of confidence and the understanding that winning is not always the goal - commitment is. My son became a confident young man, able to manage his emotions while reinforcing his communication skills, not only on the court but also in his everyday life. Now I have a boy who has a greater understanding of the meaning to reach his goals and how to get there, and it all starts with his mindset!! “

Jonas Allaoua

Mechanical Engineering student, DTU.
Former Basketligaen player, former Denmark U18 National Team player.

“I played for Kostka (Higher Up’s co-founder) from 16 to 18 years old. At that time, I had a very irrelevant role in the team, with little responsibility and participation. With his application of growth culture methodology, most players were challenged daily in practice. We were forced to take responsibility and action in games, even those who usually didn't get so much playing time. My team's role started growing, adding much more value and having a larger group of players contributing. I ended up being a starter in the team, MVP in the national cup final, U18 National Team player, made it to the top professional league in Denmark (Basketligaen) and, more importantly, I incorporated that way of working to my daily life which helped me overcome challenges and push my limits in University, family and work matters.”

Søren Brixen

Advisory Director KMD

I highly recommend working with Attila Kovacs and Higher Up. Advice from Higher Up is how robust personal experiences are combined with sustainable methods and well-docummented theory.